Fellow Binancians, a Message from the CEO
Changpeng sent the following email to Binance employees earlier today.
Greetings Fellow Binancians!
This is an important message from the your fearless leader- Changpeng the Zhao.
In an effort to take responsibility for this incident, we must regrettably lay off 10% of our workforce.
I'm sure you are aware of the challenging times we are facing, as a company, due to the unfortunate incident with dwarf tossing. In an effort to take responsibility for this incident, we must regrettably lay off 10% of our workforce.
We take our company values and mission very seriously. Unfortunately, we made a lapse in judgement and engaged in an activity that was not in line with our core beliefs and values, and had to make a tough decision to remedy the situation.
I would like to express my personal sorrow and regret. We were wrong and now we must bravely face the consequences. As a company that values personal accountability, we must take ownership of our mistakes, learn from them, and move on.
We are excited to continue to build a company that serves its employees and customers, and our future is still bright.
Changpeng the Zhao
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